About F3 Studios

F3Home of award-winning art director, photographer, and graphic designer Stephen D. Jensen, F3 Studios is a full service design and photography studio focusing on high impact imagery for the entertainment industry.

Stephen D. Jensen is known mostly for his work in the music and entertainment industries on album covers, packaging, guitar design, and artist photos. Stephen received his BA in graphic design at Columbia College of Chicago focusing mainly on graphic design, photography, and typography. Stephen’s style comes from a combination of unique photography, photo direction, and photo manipulation, and a strong sense of color, design, and typography. He also possesses a strong background in marketing and branding having helped with the visual identity of some of the biggest brands in the business. Stephen is known for his outside thinking often coming up with ideas and concepts that are not always the most obvious solution while also managing to be the perfect fit. He is very confident when taking on full projects, working from original concepts, sketches, photography, design layouts, through final presentation and production. But Stephen also shines as part of a strong creative team and works well with other designers and photographers that challenge his skills. With influences from the early art masters to his modern day peers, Stephen’s work balances elegance and precision with chaos and decadence. Some of his pieces offer deep concepts and photorealistic imagery, while others are studies in color, design, typography, and structure.

Stephen D Jensen

Stephen D. Jensen, CEO

About F3 StudiosStephen Jensen